Attorney Portrait Dog Bite Injury

How California Law Treats Dangerous Dogs

| Read Time: 4 minutes

If you suffered injuries after being bitten by a dog, you likely have many questions, including who will pay for your damages. You might also wonder what happens to the dog after an attack. California has multiple laws dealing with dog bites and what the state defines as a vicious dog. You may hear dogs get “one free bite,” but that isn’t necessarily true as owners can be liable for every bite. The California dangerous dog law defines potentially dangerous or vicious dogs, but the law is not breed-specific. Understanding the laws surrounding vicious dogs in California can be confusing. You need a California dog bite attorney to help you pursue a claim against the responsible parties. Definition of Potentially Dangerous and Vicious Dogs in California The dangerous dog law in California spans several different sections, including the California Food and Agriculture Code. Division 14, Chapter 9, Section 31602 defines a “potentially dangerous dog” as: As you can see, the law defines more than what happens when a dog bites a person. This statute also means that if a dog bites another dog, the law in California will declare it a potentially dangerous dog. But an attack on another animal must be unprovoked and happen twice in 36 months. Section 31603 of the same code also defines a vicious dog as being one that either: If you sustained injuries from a dog bite, don’t worry about trying to determine if the dog was already declared a potentially dangerous or vicious dog. Let an experienced dog bite lawyer in California help you. At the Beliz Law Firm, we have years of experience dealing with dangerous dog claims and can help protect your rights. What Do Owners Need to Do for Potentially Dangerous or Vicious Dogs? Under the California Food and Agriculture Code, owners must take specific actions with a potentially dangerous dog. A potentially dangerous dog must be registered, vaccinated, and the owners could pay an additional licensing fee. The dog must be kept inside the owner’s home or behind a secure fence where the dog cannot escape, and children cannot trespass. If the dog is not on the owner’s property, they must have it restrained by a substantial leash of appropriate length and controlled by an adult. The owner must notify animal control in writing if the dog is sold, transferred, dies, or permanently removed from the city or county where the owner resides. They must notify animal control about the dog’s new location within two working days of the change.   If the court declares the dog vicious, animal control departments have rights under the dangerous dog bite law. Euthanasia might possibly be ordered by the court in this situation. If animal control does not destroy the dog, owners will be subject to additional conditions to protect others from potentially being attacked. The dog owner may be subject to additional rules and restrictions depending on their city. Various cities and counties in California have provisions for controlling dangerous or vicious dogs. The caveat is that these programs cannot be restrictive as to breed. What Happens if an Owner Violates the California Dangerous Dog Law? As stated, a victim may bring a personal injury lawsuit against the dog’s owner. But the owner could also face criminal prosecution for violating the dangerous dog law in California. California Penal Code 399 can impose criminal charges for failure to control a dangerous animal. This statute applies when the keeper or owner fails to use ordinary care to confine a dangerous or vicious animal, and someone else suffers severe injuries. Depending on the circumstances, the dog’s owner or keeper might be facing a misdemeanor or a felony charge. Both offenses could result in jail and fines. Contact Beliz Law Firm Today If you suffered injuries due to a dog bite in California, let the skilled legal team at the Beliz Law Firm assist you. Dog bites can result in severe physical and emotional injuries. You could be entitled to compensation for your damages. We understand what a stressful and traumatic time this is for you and can help you pursue compensation from the responsible parties. Call today to learn more about how we can help. You only have a limited amount of time to bring a claim for damages related to a dog bite. Schedule an appointment today to ensure you don’t miss the filing deadline.

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Attorney Portrait Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle vs Truck Accidents in California

| Read Time: 3 minutes

California is one of the country’s most desirable destinations for riding a motorcycle. Scenic routes and temperate weather make it a dream. However, the risk of getting into an accident is high, especially with all the large trucks transporting cargo up and down the state. If you or a loved one was involved in a motorcycle vs truck accident, you have the legal right to pursue a claim for damages.  The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be daunting. Victims likely face challenges with mounting medical bills, a slow recovery, and a stressful claims process. Hiring an experienced California accident lawyer can help. Read on to learn more about the causes of these collisions and what damages you can typically recover.  Common Causes of Truck-Motorcycle Collisions Accidents involving motorcycles versus trucks can happen for any number of reasons. Some of the most common causes include the following:  Numerous other factors can lead to a motorcycle vs truck accident, but these are some of the most common ones we see.  Recoverable Damages in a Motorcycle vs Truck Accident Understandably, injured victims want to know what they can recover in a claim against the responsible party. Every case differs, but some of the most common damages available in these types of collisions include the following:  Hiring an experienced attorney is crucial to protect your rights and maximize your chances of recovering the most compensation.  Injuries and Fatalities in Motorcycle and Truck Accidents  When you compare these two types of collisions, there’s no comprehensive data on motorcycle vs truck accident statistics in California. According to the California Highway Patrol, accidents involving motorcycles in 2019 resulted in 480 fatalities and 12,707 injuries. During the same year, truck accidents resulted in 344 deaths and 7,009 injuries across the state.  Contact a California Accident Attorney If you sustained injuries in a motorcycle vs truck accident, contact the Beliz Law Firm. Attorney Michael Beliz has nearly two decades of experience representing injured victims of accidents in Southern California. When you need assistance getting justice after someone else’s negligence caused an accident, our legal team stands ready to help. Schedule a consultation today and learn more about how we can assist you.

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Attorney Portrait Car Accidents

What Is the Average Settlement for a Drunk Driving Accident in California?

| Read Time: 5 minutes

Overview of Drunk Driving Accident Settlements in California Drunk driving remains a serious public safety problem in California. According to the most recent data from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), more than 1,000 people were killed in DUI crashes in the state in 2017. Many thousands more innocent victims suffered severe, even life-changing injuries in wholly avoidable DUI accidents. When a drunk driver hits you, it is a trying experience, especially if there are serious injuries. As you recover from injuries, it is natural to think about recovering compensation from the drunk driver who hit you. You have to consider medical bills, rehabilitation costs, missed work, and more. This raises an important question: How much money do you get if hit by a drunk driver and what is the average drunk driving accident settlement in California? The truth is, there is no true ‘average’ drunk driving accident settlement amount because each claim is different and unique. If you were injured by an intoxicated driver, your potential settlement will vary based on the severity of your injuries and circumstances surrounding your case. Your DUI accident settlement can include compensation for pain and suffering, lost earning capacity, and reimbursement for medical bills. At The Beliz Law Firm, our top-rated Long Beach, CA drunk driving accident lawyer is standing by, ready to fight for your rights. Car accident lawyer Michael Beliz can help you understand what your case is worth. Consultations are always free – reach out today. Average Settlement for Drunk Driving Accidents in California After an injury in a car accident, the driver at fault for the accident may be liable for your injuries. In some cases, the person that caused the accident was driving under the influence. If that happens to you, there is a good chance the other driver owes you compensation. Settlement After Getting Hit by a Drunk Driver: Key Factors An accident involving a drunk driver can often yield a higher settlement or judgment than a case in which the driver at fault was not impaired. However, the value of any personal injury or wrongful death claim depends on the case. Is There a Normal Drunk Driving Personal Injury Settlement? There is no “normal” settlement for car accident injuries caused by a drunk driver. In California, some personal injury awards are more than a million dollars. Other cases settle for under $10,000. The compensation owed in your personal injury case depends on many factors. They include the severity and permanence of your injuries, the economic loss you suffered, and the degree of comparative fault. The defendant’s insurance coverage and ability to pay will also play a large role in the value of a settlement. How Do We Calculate Damages in Drunk Driving Accident Cases Whether you were rear-ended by a drunk driver or involved in a head-on collision, settlement calculations will depend on two kinds of damages in personal injury cases: compensatory damages and punitive damages. Compensatory damages compensate an injured person for his loss. We categorize these into economic (special) and non-economic (general) damages. Punitive damages (also called exemplary damages) punish the defendant for extreme neglect or bad behavior. To award punitive damages, California law requires the defendant must have “willfully and deliberately failed” to avoid the known consequences of his negligence. Not every drunk driving personal injury case will include punitive damages. In some cases, however, juries have awarded millions of dollars in punitive damages to the families of those killed by an intoxicated driver. How to Maximize Your Compensation After a DUI Accident in California DUI settlements often provide compensation for both economic and non-economic damages. Whether you are seeking compensation for direct economic losses — such as medical bills, lost wages, etc — or you are seeking compensation for non-economic damages — such as pain and suffering, disfigurement, or emotional distress — it is crucial that your damages are properly documented and effectively presented. Ultimately, compensatory damages must be tied to your losses. To obtain compensation through a settlement or personal injury verdict, your claim should be carefully documented with strong supporting evidence either through receipts, bills, photos, etc. Indeed, the key to obtaining successful results in the personal injury settlement process often lies in the evidence. Notably, the large insurance companies that typically defend DUI accident claims have a well-established reputation for being highly aggressive. It is rare that these insurers will lead with their best and final settlement offer at the beginning of the negotiation process. Their fundamental goal is to settle drunk driving accident claims for the lowest amount possible and as quickly as possible. Insurers train their representatives to look for any information that they can use against plaintiffs in order to reduce a personal injury settlement. For this and other reasons, it is highly recommended that you deal with the insurance company through your attorney. Your attorney will make sure that your interests are protected. When Can You Recover Punitive Damages in a California DUI Accident Case? Punitive damages will only be awarded in cases where there was gross negligence or extraordinarily reckless misconduct by the defendant. In DUI accident cases, California courts are instructed to look to the state’s statutes on punitive/exemplary damages (Civil Code § 3294). What is notable is that California requires plaintiffs to present ‘clear and compelling’ evidence in seeking punitive damages. This is a significantly higher legal threshold than the ‘preponderance of evidence’ standard that is used for compensatory damages. In order to recover punitive damages for a drunk driving accident, you must be able to clearly demonstrate that the defendant (the intoxicated driver) was grossly negligent or willfully reckless. The worse the behavior of the defendant, the more likely punitive damages are to be awarded. An example of willfully reckless behavior is a prior DUI conviction. If you are considering seeking punitive damages in your case, it is imperative that you seek guidance from an experienced Long Beach drunk driving accident lawyer who can help you prepare the strongest possible legal claim. Engage...

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Attorney Portrait Personal Injury

How Much Is the Average Settlement for a Back Injury in California?

| Read Time: 4 minutes

How much is the average settlement for a back injury in California?The truth is that there really is no accurate back injury settlement because of how many variables are involved in determining the compensation you deserve. These variable consist of the type of accident, the severity of the injury, who was at fault, insurance policy limits, and more. Your best option is to contact an attorney to discuss you specific case to get a better idea the average payout for your back injury. Many different types of accidents can result in back injuries, which can be painful and debilitating. One of the questions we often get is, How much is the average settlement for a back injury? Although it is not the answer most people want to hear, the truth is that it is difficult to accurately determine the average payout for a back injury from a car accident, work incident, slip and fall, or any other type of accident. The value of a back injury depends on the strength of the liability, the severity of the injuries, and the size of the insurance policy. However, upon speaking with an experienced attorney and discussing the specific factors and circumstances surrounding your back injury, you may better understand what you might expect in a settlement or award. Factors Impacting Average Back Injury Settlements The average payout for a back injury at work or elsewhere can vary significantly.  Because of the severity and complexity of many back injuries, it is common to see six- and even seven-figure payouts. Remember, every case is unique and presents facts and circumstances that will influence the exact settlement or jury award.  Factors that may impact your settlement or award include: Contact the Beliz Law Firm to discuss the specifics of your case. We can help you assess each factor and how it might affect your potential settlement. What Is the Average Payout for a Back Injury? While many factors play a role in determining the payout for a back injury victim, one significant factor significantly influences the outcome: whether surgery is necessary. A back injury settlement with surgery vs. one without surgery can differ drastically.  Any back injury can be life-altering and require significant medical intervention. Typically, the more severe the injury, the more damages you will be entitled to. It is undoubtedly challenging to calculate average back injury settlements. However, a reliable indicator of what your case may be worth is whether your back injury requires surgery.  Back Injury Settlements with Surgery Back injuries requiring surgery are typically severe and unlikely to resolve independently. Individuals necessitating back surgery are more likely to end up with a higher settlement because their economic damages (e.g., reimbursement for medical expenses), which are intended to cover the cost of any medical treatment, including surgery, will be higher. Surgery, and the rehabilitation and therapy that come after, will significantly increase an individual’s medical expenses. Back injuries requiring surgical repair are also more likely to increase other economic and noneconomic damages because of the extended recovery period. Extensive recovery might mean you will be unable to work for a long period of time, resulting in lost wages. It can also mean you cannot participate in your normal daily activities, leading to pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.  Settlements Without Back Surgery While victims requiring surgery might see a higher settlement, surgery is generally a last resort option and should not be taken lightly. Your doctors and medical team will advise you on the best action for your injury and situation. Usually, a doctor will prescribe non-invasive treatments first to avoid surgery. While back injury settlements that do not require surgical repair tend to be overall lower than those requiring surgery, it does not mean you will not be entitled to significant compensation. In fact, some non-surgical treatment options can cost just as much as surgical repair. Every person and injury is unique, and what may be minor to one person could be catastrophic in another’s life, leading to a hefty settlement. Types of Back Injuries Many types of back injuries can result from a car or work accident, all with varying degrees of severity. Some are minor and will resolve with little to no medical intervention, while others are severe and permanent and can significantly impact your life. Common back injuries include:  Depending on the accident, it is possible to suffer from more than a back injury. Regardless of circumstances, you should always receive medical treatment, follow doctors’ orders, and seek legal guidance to identify your options. Maximize Your Back Injury Settlement – Contact The Beliz Law Firm At The Beliz Law Firm, we have helped back injury victims recover millions of dollars. Here, we provide one-on-one attention to every client to ensure they receive the best possible outcome. Contact us today to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.

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Attorney Portrait Truck Accidents

Who to Sue in a Truck Accident in California

| Read Time: 4 minutes

Being the victim of a truck accident can completely uproot your life. Trucks are enormous vehicles that can cause catastrophic damage due to their size and weight. Sometimes it can be hard to know who to sue in a truck accident. Many parties can be responsible for a truck, not just the truck driver. An experienced California truck accident lawyer can help you file your claim, determine who was at fault, and get you the compensation you deserve. Can I Sue for a Truck Crash? If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, you may be able to sue for damages. Though compensation cannot reverse your injuries, it can help you bear the financial burden of the accident. Hiring a California truck accident attorney can help you receive fair and just compensation for your injuries. Before you sue, the first step is to file a claim with the responsible party’s insurance company. After reviewing the evidence for liability and damages, the insurance company will make a settlement offer. Know that this offer may be low. An insurance company’s goal is to resolve a claim as fast as possible for as low of a number as possible. Remember an insurance company is the adversarial party and they are not in the position to help an injured person. An insurance company wants to protect their assets.  Speak with an attorney before you accept the settlement offer. The truck accident attorneys at The Beliz Law Firm will negotiate with the insurance companies and fight to get you a higher settlement. We will not let them threaten us or undervalue your claim. The truck accident attorneys at The Beliz Law Firm will stand by you from filing the claim stage to a potential lawsuit, and all the way until the final verdict. Who Can I Sue for Being Hit by a Semi Truck? There are many different parties you can file a claim against or sue if you suffered injury in a truck accident. To determine the appropriate party, you must determine who is at fault for the accident. The following are parties who are commonly responsible for a truck accident: A truck accident lawyer can help identify the responsible party. What Can I Sue For? Truck accident claims are rooted in the doctrine of negligence. Negligence is the failure to act with care when there is a duty to do so. To succeed in a negligence claim, you must prove four elements: You must prove that the responsible party had a duty to you and that they breached that duty through their actions or failure to act. Then you must show a direct causal connection between the breach of duty and your injury. Last, you must give proof of the damages. Damages can include financial, physical, mental, and emotional injuries from the accident.  Different parties may owe different duties: For example, suppose a truck driver hit your car and they were driving while intoxicated. You may be able to sue the trucking company if it hired a truck driver with a history of DUIs and you can show the driver’s DUI caused your injuries from the accident. Or you might be able to sue a government entity for failing to maintain the roadways if a defect in the road caused your accident. At The Beliz Law Firm, we work with expert witnesses who can help recreate the accident scene to prove negligence. How Long Do I Have to Sue for a Truck Accident? All claims have a statute of limitations. Truck accidents are personal injury claims. In California, you have two years from the accident date to bring a personal injury lawsuit. Failure to file a lawsuit by the deadline generally bars you from recovering compensation. It’s important to contact a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible, so you do not miss your opportunity to sue the party responsible for the accident. Contact The Beliz Law Firm Moving forward with a truck accident case can be complex. At The Beliz Law Firm, our experienced truck accident legal team will prepare your case from start to finish. They will: Our team is fully committed to helping you through this difficult time. We always treat our clients respectfully, and we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome. Contact The Beliz Law Firm to schedule a free consultation with us.

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Attorney Portrait Car Accidents

Motorcycle vs. Car Accident: Similarities and Differences

| Read Time: 3 minutes

Traffic accidents are unfortunate no matter the circumstances, especially when they result in severe, life-threatening, or even deadly injuries. Motorcycle and car accidents fall under two distinct categories among the various potential accidents. It likely doesn’t shock most people to know that motorcycles are far more dangerous than most vehicles. However, this does not necessarily mean that you will recover more compensation after a collision with a motorcycle vs a car accident. Each accident differs in terms of causes, damages, and legal implications. Car vs. Motorcycle Accident Statistics When looking at the statistics of motorcycle crashes and crash-related fatalities, it’s alarming to see how many involve motorcycles. Over the past couple years, Insurance Information Institute (III) statistics show that the occupant fatality rate was 10.79 for every 100,000 registered cars and 60.03 for every 100,000 registered motorcycles. These figures show the risk of a fatal crash was almost six times higher among motorcycle riders. Another alarming difference can be seen when comparing the fatality rate in proportion to the miles traveled. The III estimates that the fatality rate for motorcycles is 25.67 for every 100 million miles traveled, which is shocking compared to the mere 0.67 for passenger cars. Causes of Motorcycle and Car Accidents A common cause of both motorcycle and car accidents is human error. Human error could be distracted driving, speeding, impaired driving, or failing to obey traffic rules. For motorcycle accidents, additional factors can contribute to the cause, such as lane splitting, lack of visibility, and the smaller size and maneuverability of motorcycles. Additionally, due to the fundamental differences in size, weight, and maneuverability, motorcycles and cars handle differently on the road. Motorcycles are more susceptible to loss of control due to road hazards, potholes, or uneven surfaces, which can cause an accident. In contrast, cars are relatively more stable but are prone to rollovers, especially during high-speed collisions Damages in Motorcycle and Car Accidents Regarding a personal injury case, the more severe injuries a rider or driver sustains, the higher the damages and the more compensation the individual may recover.  A significant distinction between motorcycle and car accidents is the level of protection offered to the individuals involved. Car occupants benefit from the safety features such as seat belts, airbags, and the vehicle’s structural integrity. On the other hand, motorcyclists are exposed to direct impact with the road, other vehicles, or roadside objects, leading to a higher likelihood of fractures, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, or even fatalities. Car accidents can also cause significant injuries, but the safety features in cars often provide more protection for the occupants. The greater risk to motorcyclists tends to correlate with higher injuries.  Property damage is another factor considered in a personal injury recovery. Motorcycle and car accidents can both result in property damage. However, due to the size and weight difference, car accidents may lead to more substantial damage to the vehicles involved. At the same time, motorcycles are more prone to complete loss, especially in high-speed collisions. Legal Options for Car Accidents VS Motorcycle Accidents In California, the legal options for motorcycle and car accidents share some similarities, but there are also distinct considerations. Motorcycle riders in California must carry liability insurance, just like car drivers. However, the insurance coverage for motorcycles may differ from that of cars due to the increased risk associated with motorcycles. Additionally, California has specific laws and regulations pertaining to motorcycles, such as helmet requirements for riders. These unique laws could impact liability and the legal options available for motorcyclists involved in an accident.  Lastly, California follows a comparative negligence system, meaning an insurance company or jury can apportion fault among multiple parties involved in an accident. There is a perceived bias against motorcyclists due to certain stereotypes associated with motorcycle riders. The bias could mean the insurance company or jury might award a motorcyclist an unfair percentage of fault. So while the potential for greater damages exists in a motorcycle accident case, it could be offset by the rider’s contributory negligence or perceived bias against them. That’s why it’s in the best interest of a motorcyclist to gather strong evidence and seek legal representation to protect their rights. California Accident Lawyer If you are a motorcycle or car accident victim and would like to pursue legal action against an at-fault party for damages, we can help. Michael A. Beliz has handled hundreds of accident cases as an attorney for over a decade. You can be confident The Beliz Law Firm will handle your case professionally and as efficiently as possible. Contact us today!

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Attorney Portrait Bike Accidents

Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in California

| Read Time: 2 minutes

California, with its picturesque landscapes and cycling friendly cities, is a haven for bicycle enthusiasts. However, cycling, like any other mode of transportation, comes with its own set of risks. Bicycle accidents can occur due to various factors, ranging from human errors to environmental conditions. Exploring the most common causes of bicycle accidents in California sheds light on the potential liability of another if they caused you harm. What Are the Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents? The main cause of bicycle accidents in California involves collisions with motor vehicles. The size and speed disparity between bicycles and cars can lead to catastrophic consequences. Factors contributing to these accidents include distracted driving, failing to yield, dooring incidents, and unsafe road conditions. The condition of roads and cycling infrastructure can significantly impact the safety of cyclists. Common causes of accidents resulting from unsafe road conditions include the following: Confusion regarding right-of-way rules can also cause collisions between bicycles and other vehicles. This is especially true when a cyclist or motorist does not stop at a stop sign, ignores the traffic signals, or takes a turn without properly signaling. Liability and Damages in California Bicycle Accidents Determining liability in bicycle accidents is based on the evidence available in each particular case. Liability is generally based on the principles of negligence. For the most part, everyone owes a duty of care to operate a vehicle or bicycle with reasonable care. When someone doesn’t fulfill their duties, they could be negligent and therefore liable for any injuries or damages they cause to another.  If a motorist’s negligence, such as distracted driving or failure to yield, leads to a bicycle accident, they can be held responsible for the damages. If an unsafe road, inadequate signage, or poor maintenance contributed to an accident, liability may fall on the responsible government agency. In some cases, if a defect in the bicycle or its components causes the accident, the manufacturer may be held liable. On the other hand, if a cyclist contributes to their own mishap through negligence, they may not be able to recover as much compensation for their losses related to the accident. Cyclist negligence might be traveling in the opposite direction of traffic, disregarding traffic rules, or riding under the influence. Alcohol and drugs affect a cyclist’s judgment, coordination, and reaction time, significantly increasing the risk of accidents.Once you determine liability, you can calculate the potential damages and what a case could be worth. Damages that can be recovered in a bicycle accident case include compensation for past and future medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering. California Bicycle Accident Lawyer After a bicycle accident, you may suffer losses you never expected. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can be sure you’re maximizing your recovery to recoup your losses. Michael A. Beliz has worked on and handled hundreds of cases as an attorney for over a decade. You can be confident the Beliz Law Firm will handle your case professionally and as efficiently as possible. Contact us today.

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Attorney Portrait Motorcycle Accidents

How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take in California?

| Read Time: 5 minutes

The short answer is when it comes to a motorcycle accident lawsuit in California, the timeline to see the fruits of your injury claim can be as unpredictable as the open road. While a quick resolution is what everyone hopes for, the reality is that it often takes several months, and in some cases, a few years. The journey through the claims process is a winding one, influenced by various factors that make each case unique. Let’s dive into the ride of legal proceedings and explore the twists that may shape the duration of your quest for compensation. Being the victim of a motorcycle accident is a terrible experience. It can leave you and your loved ones struggling financially and mentally. If your medical bills are piling up and you’re unable to work, you may be concerned about how long it will take to get compensation from the person who caused your accident. So how long does a motorcycle accident lawsuit take?  A motorcycle accident lawsuit can take a few months to a few years to settle in California, depending on your individual circumstances. A California motorcycle injury lawyer can examine the facts of your case and give you the best idea of how long your claim is likely to take. Factors That Affect How Long a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Takes No two accidents are the same. Every motorcycle accident lawsuit has different facts that affect the time it takes to resolve. So how long can a lawsuit drag out for a motorcycle accident? It depends on certain factors, including the following. Disputed Liability In some accidents, the person at fault is easy to identify. These cases tend to settle more quickly because the parties will not spend time arguing about who is responsible for the accident. When an ancient is more complex, it may be difficult to determine which party is at fault. Both parties may be at fault, but the percentage of liability may be unclear.  California is a pure comparative negligence state. That means if you are partially at fault for the accident, it may reduce the value of your claim. If you disagree with the insurance company regarding how much fault—if any—should be allocated to you, it may take longer to resolve your claim. A complex accident may take several months of negotiation to come to an agreement. And if the disputed issues require a trial, the case may take years. Disputed Damages Damages from some accidents may be easy to calculate. If there is no dispute over the extent of your injuries, you may be able to agree with the insurance company on an appropriate number. But sometimes damages can be difficult to calculate, especially if there is psychological and emotional trauma or you need to estimate future medical costs. It can also be difficult to place a value on intangible losses like pain and suffering, disfigurement, and lost enjoyment of life. The insurance company may resist paying you what you believe these losses are worth, and that may delay the progression of your case. How Long It Takes You to Recover from Your Injuries Some injuries take longer to heal than others. A broken leg heals differently than a pierced lung. Some injuries will heal in a few weeks while others can take months or years. And you may never fully recover from some injuries. Typically, you will want to wait until you fully recover from your injuries or know the extent of permanent damage before making your claim. This way, you will be able to make an accurate calculation of damages. But be sure to consult with an attorney to make sure you don’t miss important deadlines for filing your claim. Steps of a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in California Despite different facts, the steps of a motorcycle accident lawsuit are the same. Each step impacts the overall time it takes to resolve your motorcycle accident claim. In many cases, you will be able to resolve your claim within a few months through negotiation, possibly without even filing a lawsuit. However, if you have to take your claim all the way to trial, it may take several years to resolve. The At-Fault Insurance Company Will Contact You After you file your initial claim, the at-fault person’s insurance company will contact you. They are seeking more detailed information about the facts of the accident. They want to know the facts of the crash, your injuries, and your treatment. Many times, the other person’s insurance company may ask you to give a recorded statement. Before giving any information you should NEVER do without speaking to an attorney first. Investigating and Gathering Evidence  The next step involves investigating the accident and gathering all information to assess liability and damages, such as: This step is crucial because this evidence provides information on fault. It also assists in the calculation of damages. Both property damage to your motorcycle and bodily injuries need to be addressed during this step. Your motorcycle may need extensive repair. Or, if it is badly damaged it may the company may total it and you pay off. For your injuries, you may need to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Preparing a Demand Letter After you have collected all the evidence, the next step is to build your claim. If you have an attorney, they will prepare a demand letter to send to the insurance company. In the demand letter, you will list the amount of damages you suffered and request payment. Damages in California include economic damages and noneconomic damages. Economic damages are quantifiable, such as medical expenses and lost wages. Noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering are subjective and more difficult to calculate.  An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help you estimate all your damages and ensure that you ask for the full value of your losses. Negotiating with the Insurance Company Once the insurance company receives your demand letter, they will typically work to negotiate a settlement with you.  Know...

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Attorney Portrait Car Accidents

What Is the Average Settlement for a Rear-End Collision in California?

| Read Time: 4 minutes

Key Takeaway: Rear-end collisions in California can result in significant injuries and property damage, prompting victims to pursue personal injury claims. However, there’s no average payout for a rear-end collision in California due to the unique nature of each case. Factors such as the extent of injuries, economic losses, and non-economic damages influence the settlement. By seeking legal guidance, you can maximize your chances of receiving adequate compensation for your losses. Rear-end collisions are typically unexpected and can result in serious injuries and major property damage. California allows the victim of a rear-end crash to file a personal injury claim when the collision occurred due to someone else’s negligent or wrongful act. Every rear-end collision is different, so every rear-end crash settlement is different. Thus, there is no average rear-end collision settlement in California. The settlement for a rear-end crash will depend on a variety of different factors, like the extent of the victim’s injuries and their chances of a full recovery. Contact a California car accident attorney at Beliz Law today to discuss a fair rear-end collision settlement amount for your case. What Losses Count Toward a Rear-End Collision Settlement? In California, a personal injury judgment is designed to compensate you for the losses you suffered as a result of the at-fault party’s negligence. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the average payout for a rear-end collision without reviewing the details of a case. After a rear-end crash, common economic losses include:  Proving economic damages is relatively straightforward as long as you keep a record of the costs you incur due to the accident. Medical expenses can make up a large chunk of your economic losses. Thus, someone who suffers a more serious injury in a rear-end collision will likely incur more losses stemming from medical costs alone. In addition to economic damages, plaintiffs can recover non-economic damages in a personal injury claim. Non-economic damages represent a more abstract form of damages that aim to compensate you for things like: The abstract nature of non-economic damages makes them more confusing to understand and harder to calculate. Our team can consult with economic experts who can give an accurate market value for your losses to help calculate a fair settlement offer. What Is Considered a Rear-End Collision? A rear-end car accident occurs when a car collides with the vehicle in front of it.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 5,250,837 police-reported car accidents occurred throughout the United States in 2020, resulting in 2,282,015 injuries. Inevitably, some of these accidents are rear-end collisions. In the United States, there are more than eight million car accidents annually, with rear-end collisions accounting for about 41.6% of all accidents between two vehicles. Causes of Rear-End Collisions in California Though avoiding a rear-end crash may seem easy, they occur with alarming regularity. In many cases, rear-end collisions happen when one car is stopped or moving very slowly, and a second vehicle strikes it from behind. This scenario frequently occurs in high-traffic areas when drivers need to stop with little notice. Factors that may cause a rear-end collision include: The cause of the rear-end collision will help determine whether you can successfully recover through a personal injury claim.  Even if you share some blame for the accident, you may still be able to recover. California applies the rule of pure comparative negligence to personal injury claims. That means even if you were partially responsible for the collision, you can still bring a personal injury claim against the other party and collect compensation. However, your recovery is reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if the judge finds you 30% at fault for the accident and awards you $200,000, you will recover $140,000. How Can I Maximize My Rear-End Collision Settlement? No one anticipates a rear-end collision. As a result, many people think their hands are tied until they contact an attorney to review their case. However, there are a few steps you can take to maximize the amount of information you can provide your lawyer to build a case. Report Your Collision to Authorities You should contact law enforcement and request that an officer come to the accident scene as soon as possible. Someone else may contact law enforcement for you upon seeing the collision, but you should call 9-1-1 just in case. The police officer who responds to the scene will create an accident report that contains basic information about the crash and the officer’s impression of who caused the accident. Seek Treatment for Your Injuries If you suffer an injury in your rear-end accident, you should seek medical treatment immediately.  Rear-end collisions can cause whiplash, which can result in injuries to your neck and spinal cord. In some cases, spinal cord injuries do not present themselves immediately. Thus, even if you do not see apparent injuries, you should still seek a medical evaluation to verify that you did not suffer a hidden injury.  Additionally, you can start preserving documentation of your medical expenses with your first doctor visit.  Collect Evidence from the Accident Scene The strength of your rear-end accident case will depend on what evidence your attorney can present to prove the opposing party’s fault. You can collect some of this evidence at the accident scene immediately after the collision. You may be able to collect the following information at the scene: Your attorney cannot recreate the accident scene once it gets cleaned up. That means the information you collect at the scene may be the best picture they get of the accident.  Contact The Beliz Law Firm to Discuss Your Potential Rear-End Settlement Amount in California A car accident lawyer can help you recover a rear-end collision settlement that fairly compensates you for your financial losses. Our team of attorneys has years of experience handling car accident cases. Whether you are seeking a minor rear-end collision settlement or suffered a significant injury, the Beliz Law Firm is here for you. Contact us today.

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Attorney Portrait Truck Accidents

What Happens If You Get Hit by a FedEx Truck in California?

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What happens if you get hit by a FedEx truck depends on the circumstances, and the next steps you take can play an essential role in your ability to recover physically and financially from the accident.  Typically, the initial step is to report the accident to the local police and seek medical care. Then you or the driver of the vehicle you were in should file a claim with the insurance company. Contacting an experienced personal injury attorney is likewise important to help you to identify and protect your legal rights. The lawyer can perform extensive research to determine what parties are at fault for your accident and the appropriate course of action to maximize your chance of receiving a fair damages award.  The Beliz Law Firm has over 15 years of experience helping accident victims fight for their rights. We understand the unique laws involved when a large company such as FedEx causes a collision and are unafraid of standing up to them on behalf of injury victims. What Happens If You Get Hit by a FedEx Truck? For those wondering what to do after an accident with a FedEx truck, there are several important steps you can take to protect yourself or preserve your right to file a claim. Report the Accident California law requires most drivers in a crash to report the car accident to the authorities if the collision results in injury, death, or property damage. Where possible, drivers should also exchange information with each other and get the names and contact information of the passengers and any witnesses. California law may also require you to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles about the accident within 10 days.  If you are in a car hit by a FedEx truck, you might also ask the truck driver for their employer’s information and note the truck or fleet number on their vehicle. Also ask if they are an independent contractor or if they work directly with FedEx. You can use this information to determine who is responsible for your damages.  Go to the Doctor Seek medical attention after the wreck, even if you don’t feel injured. Many injuries don’t fully appear until hours or days after the accident because they are masked by the overall stress of the crash. Doctors can examine you and determine if you have any injuries to attend to, helping to limit the chance that your condition will worsen.  File an Insurance Claim The next step is to file a claim with the insurance company that covers the car you were in during the collision. When communicating with the insurance agents, keep in mind that they work for the insurer, not you or the driver. Thus, they may be looking for holes in your story and ways to avoid paying out compensation.  As much as you can, avoid making admissions of any fault and stick with the facts necessary to convey what happened. Before signing anything you receive from the insurance company, talk to an attorney and ask them to review it to make sure you do not inadvertently waive critical legal rights.  Contact an Attorney An attorney can help level the playing field and fight for your rights when FedEx refuses to pay compensation or admit fault. A truck accident lawyer is there to protect and assist you in filing a claim and can handle the legal aspects of the accident on your behalf. They also leverage their experience and knowledge of the law to calculate and negotiate a fair settlement amount.  My Car Was Hit by a FedEx Truck. Who Can I Contact at FedEx? You can contact the customer service line at FedEx if you are in an accident. Where appropriate, you may instead want to communicate with the direct supervisor of the FedEx driver who caused the collision. For help with this step, it may be best to contact an attorney. They can talk to FedEx on your behalf to minimize the potential for conflict and work to reach an amicable solution that serves your best interests. They can also advocate for your rights in court to help ensure your voice is heard.  I Got Hit by a FedEx Truck. What Compensation Can I Receive? If you suffered an injury in an accident with a FedEx vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation to cover the cost of your hospital bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. California law allows victims to pursue a financial settlement to address injuries and property damage associated with an accident. A personal injury attorney can review your case and help you understand what compensation you may be entitled to under your unique circumstances.  The Beliz Law Firm: Truck Accident Attorneys Serving California FedEx truck accidents can cause significant damage to you and your vehicle. You can help alleviate the financial burden of the accident by pursuing damages against the at-fault parties. An attorney at the Beliz Law Firm can help with this process. Over his 15+ years practicing law, Michael Beliz has helped clients recover millions in compensation. He is a fierce and knowledgeable advocate for the injured. If you were hit by a FedEx truck, contact our office today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

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